A blank canvas on the horizon! Set your strategy, goals and objectives
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A blank canvas on the horizon! Set your strategy, goals and objectives


A blank canvas on the horizon! Set your strategy, goals and objectives





Take time to chill and think about your event’s strategy, goals and objectives. A blank canvas leads to great things. It opens your mind to the freedom of thought and the freedom to plan your project to meet demand.


Our Offering


We offer hourly sessions to help you drive your plan forward, sharing our conference and awards management experience, focusing your mind on success from the very outset. Sometimes one requires a ‘hand to hold!’


This is the most important stage of your project. Even if the event has been staged in previous years, each event demands a strategy, goal and objective review.


Specific attention made  to survey feedback will enhance your next event offering, pushing it onto a stronger platform.


Remember your event is a ‘mini business.’ Don’t rush it!


And we have nice coffee!